Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Many Mes - 866 Words

The Many Me’s Questionnaire Words or phrases I use to describe my physical self 1. I am blue eyed man 2. I am 5’11 3. I am Stocky built 4. I am Balding 5. I am Average Words or phrases I use to describe my personality 6. I am Authoritative 7. I am curious 8. I am analytical 9. I am kind 10. I am ambitious Words or phrases I use to describe my social self (me interacting with others) 11. I am outgoing 12. I am comical 13. I am a good listener 14. I am a good communicator 15. I am not easily intimidated Words or phrases I use to describe my character traits 16. I am a good person 17. I am ethical 18. I am a person of good morals 19. I am a person of high integrity 20. I am a leader Words or phrases I use†¦show more content†¦In turn, I learned to be more authoritative and honed my skills at being analytical which has been and still is both a blessing and a curse. In the past five years my image of myself has changed to some degree. I am in my fourth year of college now and have been very successful in my studies. This alone has given me more self-confidence as well as sharpened my leadership skills, morals, and ethics. I believe this is because I am around more people of a higherShow MoreRelated Two Kinds by Amy Tan Essay657 Words   |  3 Pageswith her parents. She struggles with the high expectations of her mother, to become a prodigy. The conflict results in a rebellious independence. Tan develops Jing-me’s character as willful, defiant, and insecure. To begin, Tan demonstrates that Jing-me’s willfulness stands in the way of her success. For example, after failing many of her mothers prodigy tests, she begins to hate them. 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